<![CDATA[madeline corr - Newslettter]]>Wed, 01 May 2024 12:06:58 +0100Weebly<![CDATA[Hooray. Hooray. First May. Start 2 NEW Habits Today!!]]>Mon, 29 Apr 2024 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/new-month-new-you

​We’re habitual creatures, and the trick is to create Healthy Habits that become as habitual as cleaning our teeth! As these Habits drive our Behaviour, and in turn, our Results.
The first step to change is Awareness.
An Awareness of the Habits we've formed over a long period of time, without realising, as they've crept up on us!

As, if we want change, we need to know the Habits that work for us; and change unhelpful, unhealthy Habits​ working against us
So... How Do We Do That?

Well, start by becoming aware of and make a list of your current Habits. Make a list of your daily Routine. How they arise, when and where they arise; the Cues and the Triggers.
Asking; which Habits are moving me TOWARDS, and which are moving me AWAY FROM what I want?
Which Habits do I need to eliminate, change; and what new Habits do I need to put in place, to move me in the direction to get me what I want?

For instance, If you want to increase your water intake, make it as easy and accessible as possible; have it at the front of the fridge, on your desk, in your car, carry water everywhere you go! 

Make it desirable by adding lemon, seeping in cucumber or mint or 1:1 Diet water flavouring!

To eliminate unhelpful or unhealthy Habits, make it as hard as possible to do and reduce the benefit! Eliminate the stimuli, what you see, hear, smell and feel. and make as unrewarding as possible.
Saying that, you need to know what it is you actually DO want. Clarity, so you can make the necessary changes. As, if you don't know where you're going, how are you going to get there?
Need help?
JOIN my FREE Online One Hour Seminar - Forming Healthy Habits That Stick​

Learn the psychology of Habits, and leave with tools and techniques to come up with a plan to address your Habits and move towards what you want. 

I have found, setting one or two NEW Habits better than setting a NEW Goal

I hope to see you there! Or, just contact me!

It's suggested it takes on average 21 days to form a new Habit and 98% of everything we do is a Habit.
So, the goal is to make daily success Habits as habitual as possible, so we do them without thinking.
Like the Habit of cleaning our teeth. . . 

Do you know what you really, really want?

Want to get clear, focused and find a way forward?

Would you like to explore?

Book a 
30 minute FREE Coaching Session with ME and get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity! 
Contact me 
Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Hello March . . . .]]>Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/february-20th-2024
Why Do We Do What We Do?

Lets face it, we all know GOOD verses BAD Food Choices and Actions; Don't We!

Looking at the Brain Science behind Weight Loss, to understand what’s happening in the mind; I ending up in the areas of Guilt, Shame, Rewards and my favourite subject . . . Habits!
Feeling Guilt, or Shame about a Food Choice or Actions, activates the reward centre in the Brain.
​Making us want to feed it! Which is the one thing we’re trying NOT to do! Eat what we didn’t want to eat; drink more; shop more, gamble more; whatever our go to is!

So... It's time to go deep and look at our relationship with our go to!

We're basically a bundle of Habit patterns, with 50% of what we do in a day being a Habit.
Habits are relegated to the back portion of the brain, where we're not present, and unaware we're doing what we do!  Like the Habit of cleaning our teeth!

If we want change, we need to know the Habits that work for us; and change unhelpful, unhealthy Habits​ working against us.

When I work with clients, one of the first things I get them to do is list their daily routine. We'll then dig deep to discover the reason unhelpful, unhealthy Habits are happening; and what needs to happen to eliminate these Habits that sabotage them and move them away from what they want. 

We can put in place helpful habits that move us towards what we want; saying that, we need to actually know what we really want!

The Habit Of A Good Morning Routine Is A Great Place To Start
  • Begin the day with Meditation
  • Gratitude and Appreciation
  • Focussing on the actions we'll take to move us towards what we want
Sets us up for success and are all important for our weight loss journey. 

Taking baby steps, a little out of our comfort zone; as well as being your own cheerer-on-era. 

Staying focused on what we're gaining and celebrate the victories, no matter how small!

Being proud of ourselves; appreciating every good choice along the way.

It's suggested it takes on average 21 days to form a new Habit and 98% of everything we do is a Habit.
So, the goal is to make daily success Habits as habitual as possible, so we do them without thinking.
Like the Habit of cleaning our teeth. . . 

JOIN my FREE Online One Hour Seminar - Forming Healthy Habits That Stick​

Learn the psychology of Habits, and leave with tools and techniques to come up with a plan to address your Habits and move towards what you want. 

I have found, setting one or two NEW Habits better than setting a NEW Goal


Thinking of starting your weight loss journey?

Schedule a 
FREE non obligation 30/40 minute FREE Coaching Session with me. 

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

Contact me 
07827 932138 ​vibe@madelinecorr.com
Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Hello February . . .]]>Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/new-moon-in-virgo-27th-august-917am
Did you stick to your New Year Resolutions?

Multiple scientific studies have found that most people give up on their resolutions within ONE month, because their old bad Habits are still there. 

When we have a lot of weight to lose, it means playing the long game; being aware there will be challenges along the way.

Below are some Top Tips to Cut Calories, Fight the 'Hangry' and make Exercise easier so we Stay On Track
Keep a Food or Photo Diary. You can start an Instagram page to save your photos and plot your journey.

Scientific studies have shown a Food Diary aids weight loss.
Food Diaries helps us take a step back, be honest with ourselves and become aware of our relationship with food; which in turn, helps maintain our loss. They can be:
  • Used to record and remind us what we've eaten
  • Show unhealthy patterns
  • Choose different food types
  • Where we might need to downsize our portion size
  • Make shopping lists so we Shop Smart
  • Think about menus that work for the household
  • Think outside the box, maybe your veggie stir-fry can be a side dish for others
  • Having ingredients on hand reduces the temptation to make unhealthy choices, or resort to take-outs

Find Support, an Accountability Buddy. You'll gain perspective, encouragement, tips; even a little competition, if that's the kind of thing that gets you motivated. A Coach, family member, friends; or check out online forums and social media.

Outsmart Your Inner Critic. When, which you will, you go off-track; it can be hard to forgive yourself.
Talk to yourself the way you'd talk to a friend. Write a note to them, then read it out loud to yourself.
It will likely be kinder and more encouraging than anything the little voice in your head would say.

Get moving. Exercise and work those muscles! You may not realise it, but you've built them up just by moving your extra weight around. As you lose body fat, you want to keep those muscles. They burn fat and calories! If you don't use them, you'll lose them. Join a gym, or exercise at home, there's heaps of help on YouTube. 

Plateaus. The scale won't move, no matter what you do. Focus on and give yourself credit for how far you've come, for not adding pounds. If you haven't seen a change for 3 months, then it's time to revisit your diet and exercise plan.

Keep going regardless of what the Scales say. Stay focused on what you're gaining and celebrate those non-scale victories!
  • Are you losing inches?
  • Are your clothes getting looser?
  • Can you handle more exercise? The stairs!
  • Is your blood pressure better?
  • If you have diabetes, have your sugar levels improved?

Lastly, and more importantly, look at your Daily Routine, your Habits.
If we want change, we need to know the Habits that work for us; and change unhelpful, unhealthy Habits​ working against us, find out How To Form Habits HERE​

Thinking of starting your weight loss journey?

Schedule a
FREE non obligation chat and/or join my challenge below...

JOIN my 30 Challenge starting this coming Monday, 5th February
As part of this challenge you agree to:
☑️Set a goal for the month
☑️Schedule a bi weekly Coaching Call

If you're on plan on The 1:1 Diet:
☑️Choose a Step to achieve your goal
☑️Order the correct amount of products
☑️Send your weight once a week

☑️Stay track for 31 days

Text, WhatsApp or email to let me know you're IN!

07827 932138 ​

A Food Diary for the Top 2 Winners

As a Diet and Mindset Coach, I would strongly recommend the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight plan. 

It's a 6 step flexible plan and it works! The products are delicious, and you'll have me, your Accountability buddy.

​I'll be supporting you along the way to set weight loss and fitness goals, as well as track your progress.

​Who's Madeline?

When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Diet & Mindset Coach ~ Full Moon in Leo!]]>Thu, 25 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/super-full-buck-moon-in-capricorn
​The Full Wolf Moon is in big-hearted, main character Leo 5.54pm this evening

Inviting us to focus on what we want to call into our lives as the New Year begins to takes shape

Allowing us to focus on having FUN and pushing ourselves to take risks
Start by pondering what's been holding you back from pursuing what you want.

To get very clear around what you want to bring into your life.

​Then, t
hink bigger, ask for more, see yourself as worthy of having what we really, really want; at the same time, be aware of how you're feeling, checking for any doubts you can have what you really, really want.

Need help? Schedule a FREE 30/40 minute Coaching Call with me, details below.

5 Top Tips To Navigate Full Moon Energies: 
  1.  Watch Your Words. Be aware of how you're expressing yourself, your Words are within your control. Stay grounded in your body, rather than being in your head, so you don't say anything you'll regret
  2. Watch your Thoughts, which are made out of Words! Only send positive energy to ANYONE during the Full Moon phase, as what you send out comes back to you 10 fold. 
  3. Slow it down, breathe, get outside! Meditate. Read.
  4. Never break up with anyone during a Full Moon! We're very emotional, want to be heard, be understood. Wait until the Full Moon phase is OVER for it to be OVER!!
  5. Wait until the energy of New Moon to start anything new! The Full Moon expands on what we already have, it's a time to become more of who you already are. 

Journal Prompts:
  • During this Full Moon, the Emotions I feel arising within me are . . . 
  • During this Full MoonI intend to Release . . . . . . . . . . from my sacred space and spirit . . . 
  • During this Full MoonI will Manifest and Attract . . . . . . . . . . into my sacred space and spirit . . .
  • With the power of the Full Moon, I am no longer frightened of . . . . . . . . . . 
  • Embracing the Wolf within, I will run towards . . . . . . . . . .
  • Under the magic of the Full Moon glow, I will transform . . . 
  • The affirmation that I will howl for the next few days, week, months is . . . 
               * adapted from theyogiwitch
This evening I will sit under the
Full Moon, with my journal and write my thoughts around the above journal prompts. I'll revisit my New Moon Vision Board, and maybe tweak it to ensure it's in alignment with what I want.

Have you ever thought of doing a Vision Board? 
If so, they are best done around the New Moon to utilise this powerful energy; bring in the new and prepare for the cycle ahead. Here's the link:


Need help? 
This Full Moon is an auspicious time to schedule a FREE 30/40 minute Coaching Call to gain Clarity around what you want, work on your values, beliefs, whatever works for you!

Book a 
30 minute FREE Coaching Session with ME and get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity!

Contact me 
07827 932138 ​

​Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Being A Diet & Mindset Coach]]>Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/11-diet-and-mindset-coach-madeline
Looking To Start Your Weight Loss Journey?
  1. Contact ME, You'll Get Your Very Own Cheerer-oner, There For You Every Step Of The Way
  2. Agree A Plan To Suit Your Lifestyle, Which Can Include Food As Well As 1:1 Diet Products
  3. Choose Your Products
  4. Start Your Plan
  5. Check In With Me Along Your Journey
  6.  Achieve Your Goal. YAY!!

As A 1:1 Diet Consultant, I Can Offer:
  • Virtual And Face To Face Consultations
  • Products Delivered To Your Door ALL OVER THE UK
  • Offer Virtual, Face To Face Support, A Hybrid of The Two, for both the Diet AND Your Mindset
  • Daily Support and Motivation via Text, WhatsApp and Facebook Groups
  • Cash for referring family, friends, whomever
  • A Business Opportunity

Ranked highly for my Client care, I am a friendly and passionate Consultant, which is reflected in my consistent client results.

I have 100% belief in The 1:1 Diet. Why wouldn't I?  I've successfully done it, my clients have done it. It works!  

I broke my ankle in 2014, became inactive and piled on the pounds, 28 pounds in 6 weeks to be precise. Luckily, The 1:1 Diet found me and I was back to my ideal weight in the same timeframe.

Together with a toolbox of tricks to get your Mindset alongside your weight loss journey, and close the gap between where you are now and the body you want.

The ONE thing you CAN control is your Mindset, which is the six inches in your head away from getting ANYTHING you want, including your ideal body.

I offer my undivided attention along your journey, the habit changes, rise in self esteem, confidence, sexiness you'll gain as you make long term change, which in turn, aids maintaining that ideal body you've created! 

All the above is included in the price of our our delicious range of nutritional products, T&C's apply.

Check Out My Workshops | Click Photo For More Information

​Looking For A Business Opportunity?

Start your own business. Full or Part Time. 

I became a Consultant coming up 9 years!
It's my only income.
I'm mortgage free and living a nice life!

​Want To Find Out More About:
  • Starting your weight loss journey
  • Becoming a Consultant
  • Attending one of my Workshops

Please contact me for a FREE non obligation chat?

I'd love to hear from you!

07827 932138
Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138
Email nlp@corrcoaching.com

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[Hi! Happy New Year From Madeline]]>Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/hi-from-madeline-diet-mindset-coach8198271

What Do You Want To Attract Into Your Life In 2024?

Your Ideal Body
A whole new you?

It's suggested it takes on average 21 days to form a new Habit and 98% of everything we do is a Habit.
So, the goal is to make daily success Habits as habitual as possible, so we do them without thinking.
Like the Habit of cleaning our teeth. . . 

The Habit Of A Good Morning Routine Is A Great Place To Start
Begin the day with Meditation, Gratitude and Appreciation, Focussing on the actions we'll take to move us towards what we want, sets us up for success.

We can put in place helpful habits that move us towards what we want, at the same time as eliminating unhelpful habits that sabotage us and move us away from our desires.

Lets focus on the Habits that can either help us shed the pounds, or make it difficult; as, how we start our day impacts the way it pans out. For a successful start to your day:

​Hop On The Scales
Weigh first thing in the morning, after you pee AND before that first glass of water!
If that's not possible, ensure its the same time of day. That visual reminder of your weight can help you stick to healthy choices for the rest of the day.

​Drink Water
1 or 2 glasses of H2O before you have a 1:1 Diet product, or breakfast.
It will move you towards your 2 1/2 litres of water that day.
Water has zero calories, stimulates our metabolism and suppresses our appetite.
So, always, always have a glass when your hungry, before you eat, then an hour after. 

Before Breakfast
Do some form of exercise on an empty stomach, as you'll burn more of your body’s fat.

Protein For Breakfast
1:1 Diet porridge, smoothie or shake, or, if you're on a step with food, or healthy eating; eggs - boiled, scrambled or an omelette will give you a high protein kick, making your body work harder and use more calories to break it down. 

Plan The Day
Write a list of 1:1 products and food for the day. This will help get organised, decide what products, food you need to take with you. This in turn will ensure you're less likely to reach for convenience food.

Spice Your Food
Chilli, cyan, turmeric, may help your lose weight journey! Spice up your omelette with diced chilli or a dash of hot sauce.

As with the morning, instil a bedtime routine to ensure a good nights sleep.
The more sleep, the less food you need to fuel your body!
You'll also be more likely to stick to this morning routine and have a better day!!
Want to start your weight loss journey?

Rather Than Set New Year Resolutions, Lets Get Intentional. Contact Me For A FREE Non Obligation Chat OR

Schedule A 
FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call With ME. Get Clear Around What You Want In 2024 And Find A Way Forward

07827 932138
A Day On Plan on The 1:1 Diet
3/4 Products Only Or 3 Plus 200 Kcal Of Food

7-9pm Tuesday 9th January 


All you need to begin is a piece of paper (or how about starting a journal), a pen, focus and some time


Check Out My Workshops | Click Photo For More Information

​Who's Madeline?

Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

+44 7827 932138

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[Merry Christmas ~ From Madeline]]>Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/diet-mindset-coach-madeline-december

​Did you know the average person consumes up to 4 times as many calories on Christmas day?

​And….over double their usual calories on the other days over the festive period!?

No wonder the pounds pile on and get hard to shift!

​Follow my Guidelines and Survive Christmas and New Year with Limited Damage
Ready to Face 2024 Head On!!

Planning Prevents Pounds and ending up on a month long Foodathon!!
  • Use my Accountability Calendar HERE
  • Plan your day in advance. Decide whether you’ll be on plan and which step or make healthy choices. You’ll know what you’re having, you can plan and be prepared
  • Plan meals and choose healthier options from the menu and STICK TO IT!
  • Plan the days you’re entertaining. Shop to a list to stop you buying everything just in case! Better still, shop Online!
  • Plan in some good food, on plan days in between your social events to help undo some of the damage of naughty days
TIPS to keep you on plan
  • Keep drinking 2 ½ to 3 litres of water every day, at the beginning of the day, before a product/meal and in between any alcohol
  • Keep to a good routine, have breakfast, lunch and tea. Getting up late, skipping meals usually leads to grazing, picking and then ultimately overeating
  • Use a smaller plate and fill it with plenty of salad and vegetables
  • Snack on vegetables and fruit rather than crisps, nuts, chocolate etc.
  • Drink alcohol on the days you’re socialising or have a planned event, water the days in between
  • Make a list of your favourite things; a slice of Christmas cake, mince pie, favourite cheese or 5 of your favourite chocolates!  Allow yourself to have it once over Christmas and savour it
  • Ask for NON food gifts                                                      
  • Send guests home with leftovers or throw them away to stop YOU grazing on them
  • Buy one get free with family or friends rather than have too much in the house
  • Calorie count using an app on your phone, my Fitness pal is good, or download a food diary HERE 
When it’s all over . . .
  • Set a date when things will ‘get back to normal’ and STICK TO IT!
  • Draw a line under it
  • Get rid of what’s left! Bin it or give it away!
  • If you’ve put on a few pounds over Christmas and New Year or even over the last few months, you know where I am!!



I hope you found this helpful. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions or anything else!
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

1:1 Diet & Mindset Coach
07827 932138 | vibe@madelinecorr.com | www.corrcoaching.com

​Keeping A Food Diary has been scientifically proven to aid weight loss

They keep us mindfully accountable

​As I do as a 1:1 Diet & Mindset Coach

When keeping a Food Diary:

Be honest!

If you ate it, chewed it, nibbled it or licked it. Record it . . .

Record the time you ate, chewed, nibbled or licked it!!

Measure and record portions size.

Include cooking methods, oil, condiments, toppings.

Note what you're doing while you ate, chewed, nibbled or licked it!!

Food diaries can be used to discover:

☑️How you're feeling?
☑️Are you eating outside meal times? What's the trigger?
☑️How our emotions might be affecting our food choices
☑️What foods help or hinder any existing health issues
☑️To plan ahead, prepare shopping list, menu ideas

Need help?

Want some advice?

Contact me, I'd love to hear from you. ​

07827 932138

Adapted from a post @
karen Salmansohn

What Do You Want In 2024?

​If you'd like to explore, book a
30 minute FREE Coaching Session with me. 

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

Contact me 
07827 932138 

Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138
Email vibe@madelinecorr.com

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[Hi from Madeline ~ 1:1 Diet & Mindset Coach]]>Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/hi-from-madeline-11-diet-mindset-coach6669691
It's about MORE than losing the weight. . . .
One of my clients lost 3 stone in weight, reversed their Type 2 Diabetes; stopped taking  their high blood pressure and cholesterol medication. YAY!! 

Read about the heart benefits followed by Type 2 Diabetes remission with rapid weight loss HERE

Lose up to a stone a month with The 1:1 Diet. The worlds fastest, flexible, yet safest diet plan available; and ME, fully trained and accredited 1:1 Diet Consultant, Coach and NLP Practitioner.
Check out our New Products, adding to our existing, yummy range, shown HERE

Are you thinking of starting your weight loss journey, now or in the New Year?

Contact me for a FREE non obligation chat
07827 932138 cwp@madelinecorr.com

I cover the entire UK |🚪Delivery To Your Door | 
✔️ Virtual Weigh In | 📞 Coaching Call | 📱Supportive Texts | 📲Motivational Whatapp Group

New Products

​Last month of 2023!

​Good time to start thinking about where we want to be at the end of 2024; rather than leaving  it until New Year, set resolutions we'll stick to for a couple of weeks and go no where fast! 

I believe we get what we focus our energy, attention, and thoughts on. 
Hence, creating a long-term Future Vision of the life I want to create is important to me. 

As... If we don’t know where we're going, how are we going to get there?

As... How are we going to know where to focus our energy, attention and thoughts? 

All you need is a pen, piece of paper, or maybe you could start a journal, focus and some time:

1. Do whatever it takes to feel incredible, as your attitude will determine your success.

2. Get specific about what is important to you in each area of your life. Some examples are finances, career/business, significant other, family/friends, fun, spirituality.

  • What do I really want? 
  • What will that give me a sense of?  
Your reason will motivate you to take the steps towards achieving your goal.

3. Here's where we put pen to paper, writing what we want, using forward moving language.

4. Move forward to the 31st December 2024, when you’ve achieved your goals and ask yourself:
  • How am I going to feel when I’ve achieved this goal? 
  • How will it really make a difference? 
  • Are you feeing excited? 

If not go back to step 2 and rethink, maybe you need to choose bigger or smarter goal.

5. Our Beliefs create our reality, and a Belief is just a thought.  They determine our decisions, which in turn, determines our actions, which equal our results. 

What belief do you need to have to achieve your goal?

6. Create an affirmation around your belief for each goal. 

Write in the present tense AS IF it’s already happened, with an attitude of gratitude. 

For instance: 
  • It’s the end of 2024 and I’m grateful I am now in my ideal, fit body OR
  • It's 30th December 2024 and I’m grateful I’ve maintained by weight for the last 3 months

Listen for any resistance and tailor your affirmation or goal accordingly.

7. Take ACTION. 

Repeat your affirmations daily with feeling.

Visualise your life AS IF you’ve achieved your goal, asking:
  • What will be going on around you?
  • What will you see? Hear that you’ll hear? Feel how you’ll feel?  
  • Who is around you? Add yourself to the picture. Add colour, sounds.

Then ask:
  • What inspired action am I prepared to take today, tomorrow, next week, month to move me closer to my goal?

Need help? 

Contact me.
07827 932138

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

Thinking about and finding a coach that resonates with YOU can be challenging, as the relationship is so important.

I offer a 30 minute FREE Coaching Session to get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity! 
Contact me 
07827 932138 
​Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[New Moon in Scorpio]]>Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/new-moon-in-cancer-new-you
We are still in New Moon energy, which is around authenticity; embodying who we really are.

​I'd like to invite you to reflect on yourself to recognise where you seek approval and validation, as they generally aren't our needs. Realising, when we're hard on ourselves, there are people around us like that! 
Here are some Journal prompts:
  • What are my needs?
  • What kind of life do I want to live?
  • What kind of people do I want around me?
  • Who was I before the people around me said how I should behave?
Find a quite place, light a candle, pour your favourite drink; whatever it takes to get yourself into a good, feeling place.

Reflect on the journal prompts above; as well as paying attention to your core values. Become aware of what they are, what is truly important to you?
Here's a List of Values 

When we align our actions with our core values, we start putting out a new, different energy to the Universe and bring in new opportunities. 

​Include Gratitude and Appreciation. What have you achieved?
This will help you realise what you're capable of, the great things that are happening in your life.

Think about doing a New Moon Attraction Board, which starts with the above reflections and values; as well as being clear around what you want. Cutting pictures out of magazine in alignment with that, and pasting to a board.

Click the link below to find out more. If you've thought of doing an Attraction Board why not SIGN UP! HERE

Need help? 

Schedule a FREE 30/40 minute Coaching Call to gain clarity, work on your values, beliefs, whatever works for you!
Do you know what you really, really want?

Want to get clear, focused and find a way forward?

Would you like to explore?

Book a 
30 minute FREE Coaching Session with ME and get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity! 
Contact me 
07827 932138 ​


​Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[How To Stick To Good Habits Every Day]]>Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/july-12th-2023

I'm loving this Habits Tracker in my 2024 diary

Habit Tracking creates a visual cue that can remind you to act

Is inherently motivating, because you see the progress you're making and don't want to lose it

Feels satisfying whenever you record another successful instance of your Habit

Is visual proof that you are casting votes for the type of person you want to become
Atomic Habits ~ James Clear
My Habits Tracker is a complete mess! Dots to record my Habit is done. Crosses that it hasn't.​

I have 14 Habits on my Tracker for the day, which ends with scoring myself, reflecting on the reason I haven't done a particular Habit; and, if the not doing of a Habit continues, is it a Habit I need to address, or remove. This is really deep, and I'm finding motivating stuff!

I have never been a gym bunny, but I am now going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week, for around an hour and a half each visit. I can visually see the difference, and am receiving comments about the changes to my body. I now can't imagine life without the gym, as the dots reflect on my Habit Tracker!

Don't think it was easy to start going to the gym! Meeting my sister and niece for spinning helped! Then we moved on to boxing, the rig, which I really enjoy. I found I was doing the exercises easier, focussing on my technique rather than getting through the session, feeling fitting, and when the compliments started rolling in, well what can I say!!

Keeping a Habit Tracker really helped me to be accountable. It felt like a burden at first, but now I can't wait to add a dot!! It forces you into two Habits; the Habit you're instilling and Habit of tracking it!

Tips To Make Tracking Habits Easier:
  • automate whenever possible, use a fitbit, apps
  • limit manual tracking to the most important Habits
  • record immediately the Habit occurs
I think anyone would find a few weeks of recording ones behaviour insightful, I am.

If we want change, we need to know the Habits that work for us; and change unhelpful, unhealthy Habits​ working against us, find out How To Form Habits HERE​
JOIN my FREE Online One Hour Seminar - Forming Healthy Habits That Stick​

Learn the psychology of Habits, and leave with tools and techniques to come up with a plan to address your Habits and move towards what you want. 

I have found, setting one or two NEW Habits better than setting a NEW Goal

I hope to see you there!

Or, just contact me!

07827 932138

​Who's Madeline?

When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Create An Attraction Board For Your Life]]>Mon, 31 Jul 2023 08:49:27 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/create-an-attraction-board-for-your-life

Note the word Attraction, includes the word ACTION! And here's the difference between a Vision and Attraction Board.

It's more than pasting pictures on a board. It's taking time out for you.

Time to get really Clear around what you want in every area of your life.

Walk down the Timeline of where you are now, and where you want to be.

Look at the Habits you'll need to put in place to take Action and close the gap to move towards what you want .

Of selling it to yourself, anchor to your dreams and allow the magic of manifestation to work in your life.

Attraction Boards are so powerful. Once you get Clarity, you select images and words from magazines and paste them on a poster board. Seeing this board each day aligns your brain with the outcomes you most want to attract.

It sounds pretty simple. And yes, there is a process to make your Attraction Board more powerful.
So, why doesn’t everyone create Attraction Boards?

Well, in my experience as a Coach and Trainer, most of us never make the time. We let our busy, distracted lives keep us, well; busy and distracted.

It’s time to change that.

Would you like to see how an Attraction Board will change your life? 

A full-day immersion for you to concentrate and maintain focus on your authentic life; in a safe environment with like minded people and have FUN!  Due to the deep nature of the work, there are only 6 places available.

You'll gain:
  • Clarity around what you want
  • Space to focus on your authentic life
  • Letting go of what's getting in your way
  • Connection with like minded people
  • All the materials you need to create your Attraction Board, although you're welcome to bring your own pictures!
  • Your own Attraction Board to take home, put somewhere prominent and imagine the miracles

So, what's stopping you joining me?


Have question, fancy a non obligation chat?

Contact me on 07827 932138 or email vibe@corrcoaching.com

I'd love to hear from you!

​Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

+44 7827 932138

<![CDATA[GROWTH Mindset]]>Wed, 19 Jul 2023 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/growth-mindset




Way Forward



Start by tapping into what you want in any area of your life; Love. Money. Career. A whole new YOU!

​Or maybe you're in the throes of searching for a way to make your life more organised, productive and meaningful?

We generally know which area will give us the biggest change; if not, there are tools to guide us.

We now have a GOAL.

We can resolve any resistance by exploring our REALITY, what’s happening right now that we DON'T want. We can use our DON'T wants and reframe to get clear around what we DO want.

​We now have Clarity, which helps provide the OPTIONS that pave the WAY to get to where we want to be.

​This enables us to walk down the TIMELINE towards our long term Future Vision of the life we want. The steps we'll take to close the gap between where we are now, and where we want to be. Who we need to become to be our Future Self.

Habits underpin all the the above. The new HABITS we need to be put in place; the unhelpful, unhealthy Habits to eliminate to step into that Future Self. Take Inspired Action, trusting The Universe, higher self, whatever that means to you.

Need help?

Book A FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call With ME 

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

07827 932138 

​Who's Madeline?

Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

+44 7827 932138
<![CDATA[Weight Loss Is NOT Weight Maintenance]]>Thu, 29 Jun 2023 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/weight-loss-is-not-weight-maintenance
I have supported clients over the years, putting weight on, losing it, putting it back on; to come to the conclusion that Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance are NOT the same thing. 

Weight Loss, being on a 'diet' is the path we take to achieve our weight loss goal; restricted calorie intake, eating clean heathy foods and exercise. It's a phase, and is NOT sustainable. 

Weight Maintenance on the other hand IS! 

Weight Maintenance is a decision to sustain the weight loss into the future, that the number on the scale, the dress size we're in is the highest it's ever going to be. 

It starts with the thought 'I will never be heavier than today'

Followed by instilling the belief that you can do it; as lets face it, it's true, you lost the weight!
You are a person open to change, to putting in place new Habits to change what you drink, eat, exercise, the way you think. These are the reasons anyone who has changed can have the belief they can sustain.

They can tweak and slightly alter the successful Habits put in place during the Weight Loss phase.
Tweak calorie intake, with an awareness of the calories and types of food, exercise, maintain water intake. Every day! Not for the holiday, the weekend away, the wedding; the rest of the time.

There was  a major study done by the National Weight Control Register, published in Time Magazine, of ten thousand people who lost 30 pounds and kept it off for 5 1/2 years, which showed:
  • 98% changed their diet in some way, NO shock Sherlock!
  • 90% exercised 'one hour every day, 7 days a week' and the preferred exercised was walking
  • 78% ate breakfast every day
  • 75% weighed at least once a week
  • 62% watched fewer than 10 hours of television every week. I think this works as there can be unhealthy Habits attached to watching the television

I operate a 4 days on, 3 days off basis. Some people 5 days on, 2 days off. 
  • Monday to Thursday I'm on a 'diet' of restricted calories, clean eating, exercise daily
  • Friday to Saturday I socialise, see family and friends. I increase my calories, at the same time being aware of what I'm putting into my body! If I'm out for something to eat, I'll have a main, or two starters, I maintain my water intake 
  • I weigh Friday morning, then Monday morning before I get back on it. This helps me to assess and adapt moving forward 

We are what we repeatedly do… therefore excelle0nce is not an act, but a habit ~ Aristotle

JOIN my FREE Online One Hour Seminar - Forming Healthy Habits That Stick​
Learn the psychology of Habits, and leave with tools and techniques to come up with a plan to address your Habits and move towards what you want. SIGNUP HERE

I hope to see you there!

Read my previous blog around Habits HERE 

Or, just contact me!

07827 932138

National Weight Control Registry Study published in Time Magazine can be found HERE

Do you know what you really, really want?

If not, how are you going to 'talk AS IF what you want is in the process of coming?'

Would you like to explore?

Book a 30 minute FREE Coaching Session with ME and get Clarity around what you want.
As well as a feel around us working together! 
Contact me 
07827 932138 ​

Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Solar Eclipse And New Moon In April]]>Thu, 20 Apr 2023 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/new-me-in-twenty-twenty-three

​This is a good time to start anything new; a new business idea, new relationship, home, diet! Something spontaneous; new food, hair style.
A Whole New YOU!

Listen to the transformational nudges from the Universe, as this is a good time to step into our most authentic self and be unapologetically who we really are.
​To Stand Tall And True In Our I AM

Create your I AM Statements, for you, for those around you, the Universe; it's listening!
You'll need a piece of paper, a pen, focus and some time.

The goal of this exercise is to develop affirmative descriptions for the essence of who you are. You are describing your ideal BEING, who you truly are.

Find a quiet place; light a candle, pour your favourite drink and get comfortable with paper and a pen! Identify your key descriptors by answering the questions below:
  • What are the 5-10 most important values in your life? See Value list HERE
  • How would you describe the attributes you like most about yourself?
  • What do other people admire most about you, and what is the impact you have on them?
  • What core beliefs about life serve you best?
  • What makes you feel most passionate, most satisfied, and most fulfilled?
  • If you had to name one feeling that you would like to have most often, what would it be? 

When you've finished, circle the 10 most important words.

​The next step is to take these words and make them into I AM Statements. Feel free to combine more than one concept or idea in each statement. Download I AM Template HERE

Here's some examples:
I AM love
​I AM grateful
I AM work in progress
I know who I AM  and I stand in my truth
I AM worthy of love and acceptance,  just as I AM
I AM transforming into the most authentic version of myself 
I AM worthy of all of my dreams, and I manifest them effortlessly 
I AM worthy

Meditate on them, say them out loud, while exercising or write them in your journal every day!

Need Help?

Contact me, I'd love to hear from you.
Check Out My Workshops | Click Photo For More Information

​Who's Madeline?

When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

I broke my ankle in 2014, became inactive and piled on the pounds, 28 in 6 weeks to be precise. Luckily The 1:1 Diet found me and I was back to my ideal weight in the same timeframe.
And. . . .  I've spent the last 8 years helping others get their ideal body, and maintain.

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!

My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138

<![CDATA[Happy Equinox and New Moon In Aries]]>Tue, 21 Mar 2023 11:10:28 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/happy-equinox-and-new-moon-in-aries
New Moon in Aries, 5.23pm this evening, around the beginning of the astrological New Year

This New Moon is all about New Beginnings
A good question to explore around this New Moon is what a New Beginning means to YOU
What does it LOOK LIKE
Think about what you can do that's NEW
and Different! New food, wear something you've never worn before, let something go

Take time to sit with yourself around any fear, doubt or shame around truly being yourself.
To really honour where you've changed; the path you want moving forward that doesn't fit the image you hold of yourself right now

There's a big emphasis on accepting ourselves the way we are. To explore those parts of ourselves we think of as flawed, and connect with the idea of having a new perspective, new ideas. Looking at the ingredients we have to work with, what we want to take with us into the future, and what we don't.

Over the next few days, find a quite place, light a candle (preferably a red one), pour your favourite drink, grab a pen, your journal or just a few pieces of paper and embrace the possibility of new beginnings. 

Tap into the New Moon energy of the bold, courageous Aries around New Beginnings, delve deep and explore the above and make New Moon wishes, or set some Intentions.

Make them, write them down, say them out loud and FEEL them, flood your body with how you'll feel AS IF you're being the person you truly want to be.

Topics covered by Aries:
  1. New Beginnings
  2. Self Focus
  3. Self Discovery
  4. Authenticity 
  5. Independence
  6. Courage
  7. Self Absorption

Reinvent yourself and go and get it!  

Go with the flow of your inner being, listen to your body, your intuition, listen to guidance from your higher self, the Universe and act on them at this time.

Vision Boards are best done around the New Moon, and are a fun way to take time out to get clear around what you truly want. When do you ever do that!?

If you've ever thought of doing a Vision Board, SIGN UP! here's the link:

Prefer to meet Online, get clear and prepare your Vision Board. SIGN UP! here:

Need help? 
Want to explore a New Beginning?

Book A 
FREE 30/40 Minute Clarity Call With ME And Explore 

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

07827 932138 
Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Wilmslow Weight Loss Centre]]>Tue, 15 Nov 2022 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/wilmslow-weight-plan-centre

I am so excited to announce my
NEW Weight Loss Centre in Wilmslow
50A Alderley Road
Wilmslow SK9 1NT

Come and say Hi and take advantage of my special offer of a FREE No Obligation Weigh In

Yummy additions to our existing product range

So. . . .  Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

I broke my ankle in 2014, became inactive and piled on the pounds, 28 in 6 weeks to be precise. Luckily The 1:1 Diet found me and I was back to my ideal weight in the same timeframe.
And. . . .  I've spent the last 8 years helping others get their ideal body, and maintain.

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!

My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Mind Switch With Madeline]]>Thu, 03 Nov 2022 00:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/mind-switch-with-madeline

​Happy November! 

​We're fast approaching 2023 

What do you want to attract into your life?
Love. Money. A New Career.

Your Ideal Body. A whole new you.

Take a moment and close your eyes.
​In your minds eye, imagine it's 31st December 2023 and ask,
What needs to happen for me to turn to whomever I'm with this New Year's Eve and say,
This has been the best year of my life!?

Notice how you're feeling. Excited? Anxious? Stuck?

Notice your thoughts. Are they positive or negative?

If you're feeling Anxious, Stuck, having negative thoughts, reach for a better feeling thought, even if it's an itsy, bitsy better feeling thought!

When I'm in the doubt or the fear around something, I use the wouldn't it be nice process.

I start by asking, what I want instead of what I'm feeling fearful, or having doubt around, then say wouldn't it be nice if this comes to me.

For instance, I'm a 1:1 Diet Consultant, helping my clients lose weight.
During a weekly weight in, one of my clients has gained weight.
We talk about their week and it turns out they had  burger and chips, few glasses of wine; meaning they've gone off plan, will more than likely be beating themselves up, thinking disempowering thoughts like I'm useless, I'll never be able to stick to plan, drink the water, I'm never going to lose weight

I would get my client to list their behaviours and thoughts and list what they want instead.
I'd then get them to prefix with wouldn't it be nice.
Saying something like wouldn't it be nice if I stick to plan next week, have the correct number of products and water... wouldn't it be nice when I have my weigh in next week I've lost 3 pounds... wouldn't it be nice if I lose inches and fit into that dress... wouldn't it be nice when my friends comment I've lost weight... 
Likely to happen, as The 1:1 Diet works!

Can you feel the relief of these thoughts?

I believe everything is energy. Meaning, I believe we attract what we focus our energy (emotions) and attention on, what we choose to think about around any subject. That our only job is to deliberately focus our thoughts on what we want. To do that, we need to take the first step, and get really, really clear around what it is we really DO want! ​See workshop below Attract Anyone Or Anything Using The Law of Attraction.

At the same time, manage our State, our emotions; as feeling anxious and stuck tends to result in negative feelings of anger, frustration and resentment. 

What can you do to reset your mind and improve your mood right now?

One of the best things you can do is alter your body's physiology  
Look up, get up, make your favourite. Listen to music. Watch a film. Meditate. Go for a walk. Go to the gym. Phone a friend. Whatever it takes. 

Click the images and find out more about my Workshops
​A full immersion for you to concentrate, get really clear and focus on what you want, in a safe environment with like minded people and have FUN!  Due to the deep nature of the work, there are only 6 places available. I hope to see you there!
FREE Online Powerful Visualisation 

​Do you know the steps you need to take to move you towards what you want?

Need help?

Schedule a FREE
 Coaching Session with ME and get Clear around what you want, find a way forward and get a feel around us working together!

Contact me 
07827 932138 ​

​Who's Madeline?

When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[New Moon in Diplomatic Libre]]>Sun, 25 Sep 2022 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/new-moon-in-diplomatic-libre
​The New Moon in Libre is all about balance.
​A glass half full energy.

Self evaluate and pay attention to what is, or isn't balanced in your life, asking What in my life needs balancing? Particularly around peace, harmony and relationships, asking What priorities can I balance to move towards what I want? 
Saying that, you need to know what you really want!!

It adds an air of diplomacy when negotiating, working things out, changing our perspective around things and having a new, fresh start. 
New Moon marks the beginning of a new Luna cycle, a time to rest, reflect and plan.
So, what are your perceptions, are you in survival mode, untrusting?

Is there an aspect of your life you're giving too much of your energy, that's draining you?

It maybe negative thoughts, values and affirmations, or positive thoughts, desires, goals you want to manifest. Which one will you choose, as this will become your reality? It's up to you!

Libre is ruled by Venus, which is all about allure, charm, wealth and luxury, and a good time to focus on Love and Commitment. 

So, immerse yourself in all your senses. Visualise the life you want, asking, what will it LOOK like, how do I want to FEEL, what do I want to HEAR the people around me saying, me saying to myself. Add TASTE and SMELL!!

Create a Vision Board, which is more than pasting pictures to a board. It's a way of taking time for yourself to get clear around what you really, really want, and start the first step moving towards the life you want. 

During the next 48 hours is a good time to do a New Moon Ritual
To reflect on the previous cycle, asking what worked, what didn't work, then celebrate the wins.
Take time to get a really clear picture in your head of the person you want to be in six months time, the life you want to be living. and set Intentions to move towards what you want, and most importantly, write your Intentions down

Need help?

Attend one of my  Workshops. A full immersion for you to concentrate and focus on what you want, in a safe environment with like minded people and have FUN!  Due to the deep nature of the work, there are only 6 places available. Click the images below and find our more.

Do you know the steps you need to take to move you towards what you want?

Need help?

Schedule a FREE
 Coaching Session with ME and get Clear around what you want, find a way forward and get a feel around us working together!

Contact me 
07827 932138 ​

Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Full Moon in Pisces: September 10th 10.59am]]>Thu, 08 Sep 2022 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/full-moon-in-pisces-september-10th
What do I repeatedly struggle with?

​Where do I need a radical turnaround in my life? 

Where do I need to be more honest with myself about something in my life?

What am I holding on to I need to let go of?

What do I need to do to come into alignment, integrity and sync with what I want?

Am I resisting forgiving someone to move on?
These are all questions to ask around this Full Moon, which is all about radical change; addressing our addictive nature to food, alcohol, drugs and how they can take us down paths that move us away from what we want. To get Clear and tap into this Full Moon energy and move towards the life we desire.

Give yourself permission to Day Dream about any big changes you want to see in your life around this Full Moon. Pisces dreamy energy is linked to Dreams. So, if you don't already, keep your journal, or a pen and paper next to your bed and record your Dreams on waking, before doing anything else!

Allow yourself to imagine and visualise the life you want. Think big, remember you can Be, Do, Have anything you want. Create Vision Board, or revamp an existing one and tap into the intuitive Piscean energy around this time. I believe in Visions Board and facilitate Workshops, please click the picture at the end of this post and find out more.
This is a good time to release what we want to let go of. So, do a Release Ritual, as Forgiveness is a very important aspect of this Full Moon
  • Find a quiet place, light a candle, pour your favourite drink, whatever makes you feel good
  • Reflect on what you're resisting Forgiving someone you really need to, to move on
  • Write it down, preferable on Joss Paper. You can use regular paper
  • Burn it 

Live from the Inside Out rather than Outside In, as we attract who we are being!

Need help?

Attend one of my  Workshops. A full immersion for you to concentrate and focus on what you want, in a safe environment with like minded people and have FUN!  Due to the deep nature of the work, there are only 6 places available. Click the images below and find our more.

Schedule a FREE
 Coaching Session with ME and get Clear around what you want, find a way forward and get a feel around us working together!

Contact me 
07827 932138 ​
Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[New Moon In The Sign of Leo July 28, 6:54 pm]]>Wed, 27 Jul 2022 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/new-moon-in-the-sign-of-leo-july-28-654-pm
Leo season is upon us!
​ I am a Leo, and love the energy, as it’s unapologetically self-caring and encourages us to ask what our heart wants.

I believe we live in an abundant Universe, and anything can happen. During this time, have faith and trust everything is happening perfectly.

An affirmation I use in my life when I'm in the doubt or the fear is
Right Time, Right Place, Right People

On the night of the New Moon, find a quite place, light a candle (preferably a red one), pour your favourite drink, grab a pen, your journal or just a few pieces of paper and embrace the possibility of new beginnings. 

Tap into the New Moon energy of the bold, courageous Leo, delve deep and ask 'What do I truly want?' and make New Moon wishes, or set some Intentions.

Make them, write them down, say them out loud and FEEL them, flood your body with how you'll feel AS IF you're living the life you truly want.

​Jan Spiller states in her book New Moon Astrology, that we get 10 wishes, some say 13 due to the 13 moon cycles! Eight hours after the New Moon is the optimum time; although they can be made up to 48 hours after the New MoonSuggesting New Moon wishes are best made around topics covered by Leo.

Topics covered by Leo:
  1. True love to conception, children! Your inner child
  2. Romance. Dating
  3. Creativity projects. Self-actualisation
  4. Hobbies, things you've always wanted to do! Think bucket list.
  5. Fun
  6. Determination. Follow through
  7. Being seen! Self-confidence, putting yourself out there
  8. Leo rules the heart, so use these energies to work with your body

Reinvent yourself and go and get it!  

Go with the flow of your inner being, listen to your body, your intuition, listen to guidance from your higher self, the Universe and act on them at this time.

Vision Boards are best done around the New Moon, and are a fun way to take time out to get clear around what you truly want. When do you ever do that!?

If you've e
ver thought of doing a Vision Board, SIGN UP! here's the link:

Need help? 

This New Moon is an auspicious time to schedule a FREE 30/40 minute Coaching Call to gain clarity around what you truly want!
If you want to get clear on what you truly want?

​Get focused and find a way forward?

Book a 
30 minute FREE Coaching Session with ME and get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity!

Contact me 
07827 932138 ​


Who's Madeline?
When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled!
My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone.  
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself.
Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE and lets see if we're a right fit.

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!
07827 932138
<![CDATA[Words Are Wands. . . . .]]>Sat, 09 Apr 2022 16:45:07 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/words-are-wands
I DON'T want to gain weight

I DON'T want to be late

I DON'T want to be stuck in traffic . . . .

You're focussed on what you DO NOT want

The minute you ask yourself 'What DO I want?'

You're changing the vibration​ . . . . ​ 
The words change, the thoughts change, you're focussed on what you DO want. . . .  

​I want to be in my ideal fit body instead of 
I don't want to gain weight. . . . 

I want to arrive on time instead of I don't want to be late. . . . 

I want clear, open roads  instead of I don't want to be stuck in traffic. . . . 

It takes 17 seconds to shift your vibration, and you can only hold one separate vibration.  

So, become aware when you're focussing on what you DO NOT want and ask 'What do I want instead?'

JOIN ME Midday every Friday and start the journey to understand the power of your Language, Words and Clarity, Vision and Habits.

Click here: Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 772 6154 8903
Passcode: wands

JOIN MindSwitch Facebook Group to access recordings.
I hope to see you there!

 Do you know what you really, really want?

Want to get clear, focused and find a way forward?

Would you like to explore?

Book a 
30 minute FREE Coaching Session with ME and get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity! 
Contact me 

07827 932138 ​nlp@madelinecorr.com

Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138
Email nlp@corrcoaching.com

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[Hi from Madeline - Diet And Mindset Coach]]>Wed, 03 Nov 2021 06:58:32 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/hi-from-madeline-diet-and-mindset-coach
The last couple of weeks, and during November, I'm alcohol free three evenings during the week.

​It's going really well and I'm feeling really good!

During Lockdown my Rescuer was a pesky glass of wine or two every evening.

What do you reach for when you’re feeling unhappy? Food? Alcohol? Shopping? Something else?
Mine is that pesky glass of wine, or two! 

How my mind turns to that pesky glass of wine and off I go to the wine fridge to pour!

But…. Does it really soothe me?

Or does that pesky glass or two distract me from getting in touch with my feelings, getting curious and doing a deep dive into myself about what’s really going on for me?

Another go to for me is a bubbly, candle lit bath, and guess what, a pesky glass or two, or maybe I’ll finish the bottle of wine!
Does that make me feel good?

At the time, yes! When the bottle has gone, no! I feel shame and blame and Persecute myself.

We are habitual beings, we like rituals and get bonded to the habits that create a feeling of comfort, our Rescuer. The wine, or whatever it is for you, we reach for when we are playing the Victim. Please note I said 'playing,' as we are not Victims, we are in the role of the Victim.

We are smack bang in the Drama Triangle, where we can only play one of three roles, the Victim, Rescuer or Persecutor.

Round and round in circles we go, one glass of wine after the other, beating ourselves up until the next time.

Want to learn how to dissolve the roles of the Drama Triangle and move towards the direction of your dreams? 


I'd love to see you there!

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

Thinking about and finding a coach that resonates with YOU can be challenging, as the relationship is so important.

I offer a 30 minute FREE Coaching Session to get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity! 
Contact me 
07827 932138 
​Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138
Email nlp@corrcoaching.com

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[Hi from Madeline ~ Diet & Mindset Coach]]>Fri, 08 Oct 2021 06:44:42 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/hi-from-madeline-diet-mindset-coachPicture
Every Friday I drag myself out of bed at 5.30am to join a weekly BNI meeting, a networking group I joined to build my business and meet like minded people, thinking 'Why did I do this!?'

Every Friday I leave the meeting feeling energised and motivated for the day ahead and get heaps done.

I work with my clients to instill the importance of a good morning routine.
When on plan on the 1:1 Diet, the habit of drinking the correct amount of water and planning products, food for the day ahead is paramount. Between NOW and the rest of their lives!! This helps maintain their goal weight once achieved.

Below are some suggested habits to include in a morning, or evening routine:
✔️ Meditate
✔️ List at least 5 things your grateful for
✔️ Journal your thoughts
✔️ Write down your goals
✔️ List your actions for the day
✔️ Exercise and Stretch
✔️ Make you bed

In the evening:
✔️ List at least 2 successes from the day, however small
✔️ Plan your next day

The truth of it is, it’s more about the consistently of following a set morning, evening routine, than the time we wake up to do it!

Give it a go!  Need help?
​Contact me.

07827 932138 
JOIN FREE Online Training 
Change Your Language, Change Your Life 
Midday every Monday


1:1 Diet Step-Up 200 kcal Meals

Step Up® Meals are brimming with healthy vegetables, pulses, chicken, herbs and spices....  nothing artificial! No weighing or measuring.

Prepare in less than 3 minutes by microwaving them in the packaging they come in. New packaging technology ensures a long shelf life.


Do you need to take steps to secure a new role?

​Fancy trying something new? A career change?

If you or someone you know would like to find out more about becoming a 1:1 Diet Consultant please let me know.

I have a regular on-line, no obligations Business Opportunity Meetings anyone is welcome to attend!

Do you know what you really, really want?

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

Thinking about and finding a coach that resonates with YOU can be challenging, as the relationship is so important.

I offer a 30 minute FREE Coaching Session to get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity! 
Contact me 
07827 932138 

Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[Hi from Madeline ~ 1:1 Diet & Mindset Coach]]>Wed, 07 Jul 2021 23:00:00 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/hi-from-madeline-11-diet-mindset-coach5031832
​Happy July!

Imagine it's December 31st of next year.
What needs to happen for you to turn to whomever you're with New Year's Eve and say "This has been the best year of my life!?"

START by getting clear around what the best year of your life looks like!

SIGN UP for my FREE Guided Visualisation.
All you need to begin is a piece of paper (or how about starting a journal), a pen, focus and some time!


​Listen to this visualisation I take clients through to understand the impact of focusing on a scary versus positive long term future vision and the decisions we make....
Helping clients stay 100% on plan!
The 1:1 Diet has a new lease of life with these pesky pop squares, helping clients through that 4pm ‘I need something to eat’ thing!
Made from fava bean, pea and potato
Suitable whether you're ON or OFF Plan
✔️𝐁𝐁𝐐 ✔️𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞 & 𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔️𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐏𝐎𝐏-𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 😋
​Contact me to find out more
07827 932138 cwp@madelinecorr.com

Do you know what you really, really want?

Coaching is a dynamic, forward moving process for anyone who wants to get clear and find a way forward.

Thinking about and finding a coach that resonates with YOU can be challenging, as the relationship is so important.

I offer a 30 minute FREE Coaching Session to get a feel around us working together, as well as gain clarity! 
Contact me 
07827 932138 
​Who's Madeline?
Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138

I'd love to here from you!
<![CDATA[Hi from Madeline ~ 1:1 Diet & Mindset Coach]]>Sat, 22 May 2021 09:33:56 GMThttp://corrcoaching.com/newslettter/hi-from-madeline-11-diet-mindset-coach1259800
17 seconds sounds like very little time, doesn’t it?

Give it a try! Hold a positive thought for 17 seconds!

How was that?

I think you’ll agree you rarely hold one for very long, definitely not 17 seconds!

But a negative thought! That negative thought is oh so easy to hold for 17 seconds and longer!! Thoughts of worry, blame, anger or disappointment.

​Those thoughts can seemingly last forever, well long enough to gain momentum in the wrong direction of a negative spiral downward. Agree?

So, 17 seconds of focusing your attention on something positive, something you want, something you appreciate, 17 seconds of that activates a matching vibration.

And that is what you want. Because the matching vibration that’s been activated is going to help you gain momentum and move towards what you DO  want.

 FREE Online Training 
Change Your Language, Change Your Life 
1pm Every Thursday


​Eating out is driven by emotion, our thoughts and perceptions. 

Think about it logically. Why are you going out?

To have fun, enjoy the company, build connection with others, devour divine food and wine.

So. Plan ahead. Before you go out listen to my Mindset Top Tips to navigating eating healthy and on plan when you’re out out!!

NEW amazing #one2onediet popped veggie chips are FLYING OFF THE SHELF!
Made from fava bean, pea and potato
Suitable ON or OFF Plan. Available is 3 tasty flavours:

✔️𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧
​✔️𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞 & 𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

​𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐏𝐎𝐏-𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 😋

Are you self-sabotaging your weight loss journey, or anything else for that matter?

​This is when our behaviour is damaging and interferes with us achieving what we want, binge eating, playing small, along the way or, from a weight loss perspective, maintaining our loss. 

  Chances are there's a limiting belief 'I'm unlovable' 'not good enough' 'unworthy' 'don’t deserve that'

These beliefs make us behave in a certain way, without our awareness.
Here's what to do:

​1. Get really clear around what you do want.
A good way to do this is to list what you DON'T want. THEN. . .
For each DON'T ask 'What do I want instead?' and write opposite, using forward moving language. Download Universal List - Get Clarity

2. Read your DO WANT list being aware of how each item makes you FEEL
Any uncomfortable feelings, uneasiness, doubt, fear, as that's where the limiting beliefs are. Download Universal List - Get Clarity

3. Then, dig deep to understand the reason you're feeling uncomfortable and unable to achieve what you want.

 4. Identify the beliefs. Using my Belief Change Model we could change them.​​
We have to admit where we are in order to move forward....

Need help?

Schedule a complimentary coaching call
 07827 932138

​Who's Madeline?

Hi! My name is Madeline. I’m a Diet and Mindset NLP Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Author.
Helping empowered women thrive by getting clear  around what they want and closing the gap between where they are now. Between now and the rest of their life!!

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life, I struggled! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of this place. I found myself drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to. After a few dreadful outbursts I decided it was time to get help and had therapy.

I feel stronger now, and through this challenging time I use the tools I learnt to ensure my mindset is focused on what I want, being a better mum, friend, family member, a more effective individual, as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around into success.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to let go of unwanted weight, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Having pursued a career in business for over thirty years, I  decided to follow my lifelong passion for self-improvement.  Having joined The Coaching Academy as a Protégé Student, providing me with lifetime access to all their training. I am now a qualified Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmer) Practitioner.

Using the same coaching tools and techniques and business knowledge, I now supports my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and create a life they love.

Download some of my resources and start moving to where you want to be, saying that, you need to know what you want!

Want to chat about Weight Management, Mindset or Mentoring; Public Speaking or anything else. 

Call | Text +44 7827 932138

I'd love to here from you!